Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I need your help!

At the end of next week, the 30 Day Challenge will be over.  I am going to continue to eat Paleo as I don't want to go back to the way I was eating before. This presents the following unanticipated challenges:

1. I need a new name for this blog - one that's focused on living a healthier and better life through eating Paleo.

2. I would also like to include events from my life as I have children in college and high school.  Anyone with children that age recognize how the stresses of raising children that age deals with wellness ;-)

I would love your feedback and help with this issue.  I still have a couple of weeks until these changes are needed - but I'm a Type A personality who loves to have all her ducks in a row.

Can't wait to hear what you have to say - and remember, no idea is a dumb idea!


  1. Off the top of my head - something like "My Paleo Life"

  2. Paelo Brew ( a little play on your name) or even Paelo Brood seeing as you will be including things about the family
    Brewster's Paelo:
    Living Paelo 30 days at a time and inheriting a healthy body (play on Brewster's millions)

    1. Those are great suggestions! I was wondering how I might incorporate my family name - thank you :-)
