Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The End of the Journey?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao-tzu

I thought this quote fits where I'm at right now - both in my personal life and in my new Paleo lifestyle.  I began this journey on Monday, May 6th and the official end to the 30 Day Paleo Challenge is Friday, June 7th. Just like thinking about 1,000 steps instead of focusing on the first one - it seemed daunting. Am I going to starve? Is eating Paleo healthy? Will it repair my gut or it is all hype? Will I dive face first into Cookies 'n' Cream ice cream after the challenge is over?  All questions I'd have when I took my focus off the current day and began thinking about the other 999 days.

All journeys, especially the good ones, are less about the destination and more about the adventures that take place along the way.  Maybe that was the point of this challenge the whole time - a kickstart to a grand adventure. Like Bilbo Baggins, I feel I've been given a task, an adventure, a journey.  I'm excited to be part of it - I can feel a new life emerging - almost like giving birth  - but to what? A dream, an adventure...could this all be coming about just because I made some dietary changes? Lots of questions, some answers and I'm ;learning to be okay with questions. They lead me to learn new things about myself, how my body works and what it needs to thrive.

The only impending loss I'm feeling is not being able to communicate with some of the people I've met through the 30 Day challenge - they're kindred spirits really - part of the journey.  My hope is that we'll keep in touch, but I'm holding all things loosely right now - adjusting to the ebb and flow of things.  If we stay in touch, that's great. If I'm to allow them to break off on their own so they can tend to their own journey, that's as it should be.  If you would've met me 30 days ago, you'd know how unusual it is for me to say something like that. I like to hold onto the familiar, the known...letting go wasn't in my vocabulary until now.

So, I'll pick up my knapsack and all the knowledge and tools I've been given and start off down the path. There is no familiarity, nor anything known, but it'll be an adventure...of that I'm sure.

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