I realized that I've been sharing my heart and most of you have no idea why I started on this Paleo life.
About two months ago, I went to my doctor complaining of stomach bloating, pain and a long stretch of not being able to poop. I asked about diet changes since I'd just starting reading "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis, but was given the standard, "eat more fiber and take laxatives if you need them" answer.
After a thorough examination and thinking I was having a bout of diverticulitis (very rare for someone in their thirties), I was immediately sent to Radiology for a CT scan to also rule out ovarian cysts or kidney stones. Of course, when the CT results came back, I was "clean" and was given a referral to a GI doctor since I was still suffering the same symptoms nearly a week and half later.
I couldn't wait to see the GI doctor. I was hopeful that he could find out what was going on in my gut and hopefully help me to fix it. Unfortunately, it was another month before I could get in. That should've been my first clue that the medically directed path I was taking was the wrong one.
I was finally able to poop about two weeks before my GI appointment, but my other symptoms were still present - in fact, I forgot something else that was going on, severe acid reflux. Ugh, it was TERRIBLE! It was so bad that I often found myself ready to puke it up. I'm thankful that in between appointments, I had a friend point me towards ACV (apple cider vinegar) to relieve my reflux symptoms - or at least minimize them.
The day finally arrived for my GI appointment and I was desperate for relief from my symptoms. I took my list of symptoms and food journal for the last month with me, hopeful that the doctor would be able to get rid of these symptoms once and for all. He came in and I handed him my list and began my spiel about how I'd been trying to alleviate my symptoms for now nearly two months. He glanced at the list, did not do a physical examination, pronounced that I had IBS-C, gave me a prescription sample and had me immediately set up an upper GI endoscopy.
When I asked about side effects of the prescription he gave me, he smiled and said, "there are a few, but it beats having the symptoms you're having". The first most common symptom was diarrhea...umm, no thank you. As soon as I got home, I threw the pills away. If there was a solution to my problem, it wasn't going to be from the "medical community".
I started reading whatever I could about gut issues and realized that, not only was I not alone in the symptoms I was having, that many, many people were healing themselves through lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise. At first, I was MAD - I mean, how could the man I'd come to rely on for answers to my various ailments not know all of this? But then I realized that it was up to me, not him, to take control of my health.
I gave up all wheat/grains (even gluten-free wheat), dairy (except eggs) and all processed foods. I'd been on this "diet" for about two weeks, when I received an email from Leanne Ely of SavingDinner.com, announcing a 30 day Paleo challenge. The video talked about all of the benefits of the Paleo lifestyle, and how it might be able to help me with my gut issues and even some of my other issues, such as anxiety, depression and inflammation of my joints. That was all I needed to hear, I immediately purchased the program and haven't (and won't) look back.
I am a Paleo "lifer" - I simply cannot go back to the way I was eating before; did I mention that through this process, I've also lost 10 pounds and go back to my 'fighting weight'?
That's it - my story. I hope you found some hope in these words and I invite you ask questions about my journey. I'm an open book.